Here you can find, download and print your examination timetable.
Timetables for computer-based examinations
The British Council will send the Timetable (Confirmation of Entry) to candidates by email one week before the examinations.
Timetables for paper-based examinations
The examination Statement of Entry/Timetable will be available for download and print one to two weeks before the written examination date. Individual candidates who have provided us with a mobile phone number will also be informed by SMS.
Individual candidates must make sure to download and print the timetable(s) as soon as they become available. Timetables will not be sent by post.
Please contact the British Council immediately in case of:
-difficulty in downloading and printing the timetable(s)
-timetable(s) is not available
-timetable(s) has not been received (CB Tests)
at least 10 days before the written examinations for paper-based tests or 3 days before the examinations for computer-based tests.
You can enter your details below either in Greek or Latin characters.